Getting Started with Genealogy Rootsweb: A Guide for Beginners

Photo Courtesy: tovovan/

Genealogy Rootsweb is a free online resource for researching family history and tracing your ancestry. It offers a wealth of information on family trees, historical records, and more. With its vast database of records, it can be a great tool for beginners to get started in genealogy research. Here is a guide to help you get started with Genealogy Rootsweb.

Create an Account

The first step to using Genealogy Rootsweb is to create an account. This will allow you to access the site’s many features and resources. To create an account, simply go to the site’s homepage and click on the “Create Account” link. You will then be prompted to enter your name, email address, and a password. Once you have completed this process, you will be able to access the site’s features and resources.

Search for Records

Once you have created an account, you can begin searching for records related to your family history. Genealogy Rootsweb has an extensive database of records that can be searched by name, date of birth, place of birth, or other criteria. You can also search by keyword or browse through the various categories of records available on the site.

Utilize Other Resources

In addition to searching through its own database of records, Genealogy Rootsweb also provides access to other resources that can help with your genealogical research. These include links to other websites that offer additional information about family history and genealogy research as well as links to books and articles related to genealogical research. You can also find links to local libraries and archives where you may be able to find additional information about your family history.

By taking advantage of all that Genealogy Rootsweb has to offer, beginners can easily get started in their genealogical research journey. With its vast database of records and other helpful resources, it is a great tool for anyone interested in learning more about their family history or tracing their ancestry.

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